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View mode settings

Cascadeur has different view modes. Each view mode shows or makes available for selection only certain types of objects.
But you can customize the list of objects for any view mode by yourself!


  • Open one of the sample scenes, for example
  • Open the view mode selection scroll.
  • Right-click on the view mode button.
  • In the Visible list you can switch on or switch off the objects that will be displayed in the current view mode.

Note! View mode settings are saved for the entire program and will be the same for all your scenes.

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Center camera

You can center the camera in the middle of the scene or on any selected object

  • Press the center button or the T key. The middle of the coordinate grid will be in the center of the viewport
  • Select the point of the character's head.
  • Press the T hotkey to center the camera on the selected point.
  • Rotate the viewport camera. The camera will rotate around the selected object!

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Track object with camera


The camera can follow the selected object when viewing the animation!
  • Open the Chibi jump scene
  • Select the character's head point
  • Turn on the Track object with camera button
  • Move the slider along the timeline or play the animation.

The camera will follow the head point If you select another object and the lock button is inactive, the camera will continue to follow the new object.
  • Deactivate the lock button.
  • Select different points and play the animation. The camera will follow the new selected object each time!
  • Activate the lock button
  • Highlight another point, such as the hand point.
  • Play the animation. The camera will still only follow the object that was
  • Deactivate the Track object with camera button so that the camera no longer follows objects!

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There are also special settings for the viewport that make working with composition easier!


  • Open the Scene Settings / Composition tab
  • Select Layout. (You can select more than one option at a time)
  • Customize the display of the composition tools by turning the different menu options on and off
  • Disable the composition display using the button on the toolbar

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